(805) 484-2520


We Provide you the ideal solution to your proxy voting responsibilities

There is no need to take focus away from your core business when our firm can provide a seamless process that is readily available and easy to implement.

Operational Set-up

EC Proxy handles every aspect of the initial set-up of your accounts. We work hand in hand with custodians to ensure all accounts are set up electronically and properly. We remove the dilemma of incoming proxy mail to your office. We make sure that all proxy material is forwarded directly to EC Proxy.

Proxy Voting Guidelines

EC Proxy will vote all proxies according to your Proxy Voting Guidelines (PVG). We will review your current proxy voting guidelines if already in place or can assist you in developing them when necessary. Your platform may be as detailed or as general as you require. You may utilize more than one set of guidelines if needed. We understand that your views may change or new regulations may be introduced. That’s why EC Proxy conducts an annual review of the PVG to ensure they are up to date with your views and philosophies and satisfy the current SEC regulations. During the review process, we take extra care to incorporate your vital concerns, as well as possible implications, which can be fiduciary, environmental, socially responsible (SRI) or political. At any time you may override standing instructions at your discretion.

Meeting/Issue Notification

EC Proxy prepares a voting timeline upon receipt of all ballots. We notify you of all meeting dates and times immediately, to encourage any input or change you may have for each vote decision in light of your current industry knowledge.

Vote Decision/Execution

EC Proxy votes every proposal according to your preset guidelines and current SEC regulations. However, from time to time, there may be other proposals you want EC Proxy to vote on an individual or case by case basis. We will notify you of these situations and await your final voting decision. We give individual attention to every proxy and every proposal and vote it in a way consistent with your views and policies.


EC Proxy will maintain all records including vote decision, date voted, policies for vote decision and meeting information for all of your clients receiving proxies. Please see the sample reports for an example of the information available to you and for detailed record keeping.


EC Proxy will produce comprehensive custom reports. Annually you will receive a complete report showing the company name, CUSIP, meeting date, how the proposals were voted, reasoning behind the vote decision, client name and shares voted. You may add additional information to this report or exclude information. At anytime you may request a report at no additional cost. You may also obtain reports for an individual client. You can receive these reports quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

Form N-PX

Mutual Fund Advisors are required to file Form N-PX, containing its complete proxy voting record for the 12-month period ending June 30th by no later than August 31st of each year. EC Proxy can assist you in filing this report or we can file it on your behalf, leaving you with no worries about the entire proxy voting process.


At times, you may require additional research on a particular issue or a host of issues. EC Proxy partners with a full service research firm, ProxyTell, to obtain the information required to administer your vote decision. Together we will provide you with notification of meetings, research and recommendations on selected voting issues, and a complete proxy voting history report in a manner compliant with SEC mandate.

Contact Us

Call us or send us a quick message by filling out the form below:


(805) 484-2520


(805) 484-2262

P.O. Box 2700 Camarillo, CA 93011

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